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in English or Japanese/ JASFL Occasional Papers

JASFL members are expected to inform me of recent or new publication of papers or books related to systemic functional theory by email (or as attached text) giving necessary information, which can be compiled here as JASFL publication list for sharing. The list will be updated whenever new infromation is available.

in English

2006. Kazuo Fukuda. Theme-Rheme Structure: A Functional Approach to English and Japanese. (Niigata University Scholars Series 5) Niigata Uiversity.

2004. Makoto Oshima. Functions and Meanings of the English Language Viewed from Systemic Functional Grammar. (実践女子学園学術・教育研究叢書7) Tokyo: Eichosha.

2000. Woodward-Kron, Elizabeth Thomson, and Jim Meek. Academic Writing: a language based approach (CD-Rom).Gonichi Langauage Services. P.O.Box U39. University of Woolongong. Woolongong NSW 2500.

2000. Barnard, Christopher. 'The rape of Nanking in Japanese high school textbooks: history texts as closed texts'. Rivista Canaria deEstudios Inglese.40. pp.155-169.

2000. Barnard, Christopher. 'Protecting the face of state: Japanese high school history textbooks and 1945'. Functions of Language 7.1. pp.1-35.

1998. Bowcher, Wendy. 'Investigating institutionalization in context'. Mohsen Ghadessy (ed.) Text and Context in Functional Linguistics. (CILT169). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.1998. pp.142-178.

1998. Barnard, Christopher. Ideology in Japanese High School History Textbooks: A Functional Grammar Approach. (DEd dissertation, Temple University) Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Dissertation Services, A Bell & Howell Company.

1997. Hori, Motoko. 'Mental process clauses in Japanese'. Anne-Marie Simon-Vandeberger, Kristin Davidse and Dirk Noel (eds.) Reconnecting Language: Morphology in Functional Perspectives. (CILT154). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.pp.297-327.

1995. Hori, Motoko. 'Subjectlessness and honorifics in Japanese: a case of textual construal'. Ruqaiya Hasan and Peter H. Fries (eds.) (CILT118). Amssterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.pp.151-185.

in Japanese

2006. 龍城正明(編)『ことばは生きている:選択体系機能言語学序説』くろしお出版.(執筆者:堀素子、佐藤勝之、龍城正明、船本弘史、角岡賢一、小林一郎、佐々木真)

2002. Barnard, Christopher. 『英語句動詞文例辞典:前置詞・副詞別分類』研究社.

2001. M.A.K.ハリデー(著)山口登・筧壽夫(訳)『機能文法概説:ハリデー理論への誘い』くろしお出版

2000. 佐々木真.「選択体系機能理論の英語教育への応用:節と過程中核部の分析による作文の評価」『愛知学院短期大学部研究紀要』8号.pp.120-137.

2000. 小泉保(編)『言語研究における機能主義:誌上討論会』くろしお出版.

1998. Barnard, Christopher.『南京虐殺は「おこった」のか:高校歴史教科書への言語学的批判』(加地永都子訳)筑摩書房.

1997. 大島真.『日英両語の談話分析』リーベル出版.

JASFL Occasiona Papers

1998. Yamaguchi, Noboru and Wendy Bowcher (eds.) Volume 1.

2001. Yamaguchi, Noboru (ed.) Volume 2.