
JASFL 2014 was held as scheduled on October 11th and 12th at Ryukoku University, Osaka-Umeda Campus.

Prof. Tatsuki, president of JASFL, gave an opening remarks to shed a light on the concept of holistic context and topographic context.

Some Snaps from Oral Presentations

Dr. O’Halloraln gave a special lecture with manly slide images to demonstrate a latest study of multimodal analysis.


会期:2014年10月11日(土)~ 10月12日(日)


13:00 – 13:40 受付 

13:40 – 13:55 開会の辞   第1室   日本機能言語学会会長: 龍城正明(同志社大学)

14:00 – 14:40 研究発表1 
第1室 司会: 小林一郎(お茶の水女子大学)
早川 知江(名古屋芸術大学)[発表言語: 日本語]

第2室 司会: David Dykes(四日市大学)
George O’Neal(新潟大学)[発表言語: 英語]
‘Negotiating Halliday’s Semiodiversity in English as a Lingua Franca in Japan’

14:45 – 15:25 研究発表2
第1室 司会: 小林一郎(お茶の水女子大学) 
難波和彦(京都産業大学)[発表言語: 日本語]

第2室 司会: David Dykes(四日市大学)
Peter McDonald(桜美林大学)[発表言語: 英語]
‘Using Systemic Functional Grammar to Support Comprehension in the Language Classroom’

15:25 – 15:40 休憩 

15:40 – 16:20 研究発表3 
第1室 司会: 福田一雄(新潟大学名誉教授)
南里敬三(大分大学)[発表言語: 日本語]
‘Field, Tenor, Modeハリデーの場面モデルを修正する’

16:25 – 17:05 研究発表4 
第1室 司会: 佐々木真(愛知学院大学)
Sonya Chik(香港理工大学)[発表言語: 英語]
‘Causal-conditional rhetorical relations in Japanese and English corporate enabling texts’

17:05 – 17:20 休憩 

17:20 – 18:00 総会  第1室    司会: 飯村龍一(玉川大学)

18:30 – 20:30 懇親会  創作和食ダイニング「卯乃家」(会費:5,000円)
            ヒルトンプラザ ウエスト店(地下2階)http://r.gnavi.co.jp/k065421/
            〒530-0001 大阪府大阪市北区梅田2-2-2
            Tel 050-5798-4351 (JR 大阪駅 徒歩3分)


9:30 – 10:00 受付

10:00 – 10:40 研究発表1
第1室 司会:南里敬三(大分大学)
奥泉香(日本体育大学)[発表言語: 日本語]

第2室 司会: Virginia Peng(立命館大学)
David Dykes(四日市大学)[発表言語: 英語]
‘A survey of reviews for <Mount Fuji Fifth Station> entered on TripAdvisor.com in August 2014’

10:45 – 11:25 研究発表2
第1室 司会:南里敬三(大分大学)
伊藤紀子(同志社大学)、鈴木紀子(帝塚山大学)、阪田真己子(同志社大学)[発表言語: 日本語]

第2室 司会: Virginia Peng(立命館大学)
Patrick Kiernan(明治大学)[発表言語: 英語]
‘“Hey you, thanks for buying our stuff.” Language, Multimodality and Identity in Corporate Websites’

11:25 – 11:40 休憩

11:40 – 12:20 研究発表3
第1室 司会: 伊藤紀子(同志社大学)
石川 彰(上智大学)[発表言語: 英語]
‘Extending the notion of modal responsibility’

12:20 – 13:30 昼食

13:30 – 14:10 研究発表4
第1室 司会: 佐々木真(愛知学院大学)
照屋一博(香港理工大学)[発表言語: 日本語]

14:10 – 14:25 休憩

14:25 – 15:35 特別講演 
第1室   司会: 龍城正明(同志社大学)
Dr Kay L. O’Halloran(Curtin University, Western Australia)[発表言語: 英語]
‘Digital Approaches to Multimodal Analysis: Challenges and Future Directions’

15:35 – 15:45 閉会の辞  第1室  日本機能言語学会副会長:Virginia Peng(立命館大学)

The Program of JASFL 2014

Date: October 11th (Saturday) – October 12th (Sunday), 2014

Venue:  Ryukoku University (Osaka Umeda Campus)
Oct. 11th (Saturday)

13:00 – 13:40 Registration

13:40 – 13:55 Opening Remarks (Room 1) President of JASFL Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)

14:00 – 14:40 Paper Session 1
Room 1 Chair: Ichiro Kobayashi (Ochanomizu University)
Chie Hayakawa(Nagoya University of Arts)[To be presented in Japanese]
‘Words and Pictures in Picturebooks: Strength and Weakness in Meaning Making and Their Collaboration’

Room 2 Chair: David Dykes (Yokkaichi University)
George O’Neal(Niigata University)[To be presented in English]
‘Negotiating Halliday’s Semiodiversity in English as a Lingua Franca in Japan’

14:45 – 15:25 Paper Session 2
Room 1 Chair: Ichiro Kobayashi (Ochanomizu University)
Kazuhiko Namba(Kyoto Sangyo University)[To be presented in Japanese]
‘Analyzing Japanese-English code-switching from the perspectives of interpersonal and textual

Room 2 Chair: David Dykes (Yokkaichi University)
Peter McDonald(J. F. Obirin University)[To be presented in English]
‘Using Systemic Functional Grammar to Support Comprehension in the Language Classroom’

15:25 – 15:40 Coffee Break

15:40 – 16:20 Paper Session 3
Room 1 Chair: Kazuo Fukuda (Emeritus Professor of Niigata University)
Keizo Nanri(Oita University)[To be presented in Japanese]
‘Field, Tenor, Mode: A Review of Halliday’s Context of Situation’

16:25 – 17:05 Paper Session 4
Room 1   Chair: Makoto Sasaki (Aichi Gakuin University)
Sonya Chik(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in English]
‘Causal-conditional rhetorical relations in Japanese and English corporate enabling texts’

17:05 – 17:20 Coffee Break

17:20 – 18:00 AGM (Room 1) Chair: Ryuichi Iimura (Tamagawa University)

18:30 – 20:30 Reception Creative Japanese Cuisine UNOYA (Participation Fee: 5,000 yen)
Hilton Plaza West (B2), http://r.gnavi.co.jp/k065421/, Tel 050-5798-4351
2-2-2 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0001, (3 min walk from Osaka Station)Oct. 12 th (Sunday)

9:30 – 10:00 Registration

10:00 – 10:40 Paper Session 1
Room 1 Chair: Keizo Nanri(Oita University)
Kaori Okuizumi(Nippon Sport Science University)[To be presented in Japanese]
‘The dynamics of multilayer meaning-making on double-page spreads in picture books’

Room 2 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
David Dykes(Yokkaichi University)[To be presented in English]
‘A survey of reviews for <Mount Fuji Fifth Station> entered on TripAdvisor.com in August 2014’

10:45 – 11:25 Paper Session 2
Room 1 Chair: Keizo Nanri(Oita University)
Noriko Ito (Doshisha University), Noriko Suzuki (Tezukayama University), Mamiko Sakata (Doshisha
University) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘A study of dominance and (non-)verbal behaviors in three-party conversation’

Room 2 Chair: Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)
Patrick Kiernan(Meiji University) [To be presented in English]
‘“Hey you, thanks for buying our stuff.” Language, Multimodality and Identity in Corporate

11:25 – 11:40 Coffee Break

11:40 – 12:20 Paper Session 3
Room 1 Chair: Noriko Ito (Doshisha University)
Akira Ishikawa(Sophia University)[To be presented in English]
‘Extending the notion of modal responsibility’

12:20 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 14:10 Paper Session 4
Room 1 Chair: Makoto Sasaki (Aichi Gakuin University)
Kazuhiro Teruya(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)[To be presented in Japanese]
‘Text typology as a tool for learning about language systemic functionally’

14:10 – 14:25 Coffee Break

14:25 – 15:35  Plenary Chair: Masa-aki Tatsuki (Doshisha University)
Room 1
Guest Speaker: Dr Kay L. O’Halloran(Curtin University, Western Australia)
[To be presented in English]
‘Digital Approaches to Multimodal Analysis: Challenges and Future Directions’

15:35 – 15:45   Closing Remarks (Room 1) Vice President of JASFL Virginia Peng (Ritsumeikan University)

日本機能言語学会第22回秋期大会 会場のお知らせ

日本機能言語学会第22回秋期大会は龍谷大学 大阪梅田キャンパスでの開催となります。


On the Venue of JASFL 2014

JASFL 2014 will be held at Ryukoku University, Osaka Umeda Campus (Located near Osaka Station)

This campus is on the 14th Floor of Hilton Plaza Osaka West.

Ryukoku Universitu, Osaka Umeda Campus access map

The details of the conference will be announced on this website soon.

日本機能言語学会第22回秋期大会 研究発表募集


特別講演:Dr. Kay O’Halloran (Curtin University)


1. 応募資格:日本機能言語学会会員および日本語用論学会会員に限る(まだ会

2. 応募締め切り:2014年8月31日
3. 発表時間:40分(10分の質疑応答を含む)
4. 発表言語:日本語または英語(発表に使用する言語を必ず明記すること)
5. 研究発表希望者は次の要領にて梗概を事務局宛にお送りください。
(1) 字数:800字~1000字 (英語の場合は800語以内)
(2) 梗概には下記の情報を必ず記載すること。
  (a) 氏名
  (b) 所属
  (c) 研究発表題目(日本語の題目の場合は、英語の題目も記載すること)
  (d) 発表で使用する言語(日本語または英語)
  (e) 参考文献
  (f) 電子メールアドレス
  (g) 梗概を日本語で書く場合には必ず英語の梗概をつけること(400語以内)
(3)梗概はMS-Word, PDF,書式付テキスト(RTF)のいずれかで保存し、電子メー
ールの題名には必ず「JASFL 2014梗概」と記載すること。また大会終了後にプロ

事務局 飯村龍一

Call for papers for JASFL 2014

Dear JASFL members:
I would like to announce that JASFL 2014 will be held as follows:

JASFL 2014 Autumn Conference

Date: October 11th(Sat.) and 12th(Sun.), 2014
Venue: Ryukoku University
Guest speaker: Dr. Kay O’Halloran (Curtin University)

*Call for Papers for the JASFL 2014
Abstracts are invited for presentations at the Annual Conference of the
Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Presentations may
be on any aspect of functional linguistics, including trans-disciplinary
studies, and may focus on such fields as multimodal, educational,
critical discourse studies, media studies, etc.

1. Qualification: JASFL or PSJ members are exclusively eligible to apply
for the presentation. Non-JASFL/PSJ members who plan to submit papers
are requested to register their memberships before submission. Those who
plan to apply for the presentation are requested to consent to the
guideline for JASFL presentation available at the following URL:

2. Deadline for submission: August 31st, 2014

3. Time of Presentations: 40 minutes including 10 minutes for question

4. Languages: Japanese or English (Please signify the language you will
use in presentation.)

5. Those who will apply a paper presentation should follow the guideline
of the abstract as below:
(1) Words limit: Up to 800 Words
(2) An abstract must include the information as follows:
 (a) Name
 (b) Affiliation
 (c) Presentation Title
 (d) Language to use in presentation
 (e) References
 (f) Email address
(3) An abstract must be sent as one of the following format: MS-Word,
PDF or Rich Text Format (RTF). The abstract must be sent to JASFL
Secretary (secretary@jasfl.jp) as an attachment file.
Please clearly state “JASFL2014 ABSTRACT” in the subject line of your
email message. The proceedings will be published after the conference.

* For the details and updates of the conference, as well as the latest
information of call for papers, click to the JASFL website: (

Sincerely yours,

Ryuichi Iimura (Secretary)

Cancellation of the Spring Meeting



Dear JASFL members:

It is our pity to announce that the Spring Meeting, which was scheduled
to be held on April 19th, 2014 is cancelled because we received no
workshop proposal. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Sincerely yours,

Ryuichi Iimura
Secretary of JASFL

Call for papers for Jpanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics vol.8


『機能言語学研究』第8巻 原稿募集 

原稿締め切り日 :2014年6月30日 

原稿提出先、ならびに問い合わせ先 :学会誌編集長:佐々木真 (editor@jasfl.jp)

学会誌出版予定 :2015年春

編集長 佐々木真

Dear JASFL members:

I am honored to announce “Call for Papers for Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics volume 8. 

The details are as follows.

Due date: June 30th, 2014

Submission and for further information, contact Makoto Sasaki (Chief Editor: editor@jasfl.jp)

Please refer to the Notes for Contribution Concerning the Submission Guideline (www.jasfl.jp)

Publication date: Spring in 2015

Sincerely yours,

Makoto Sasaki, Chief Editor

Call for 2014 Spring Workshop


場所:愛知学院大学 栄サテライトセンター

問い合わせ先:事務局 伊藤 (secretary@jasfl.jp)


This is an announcement of JASFL Spring Meeting. The meeting will be
held as follows:

Date: April 19th, Saturday, 2014, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Venue: Aichi Gakuin University, Sakae Satellite Center
Contents: Workshop

We would like to call for proposals for the spring meeting. Those who
plan to organize a workshop session are requested to submit their
proposals by March 15th, 2014 to Secretary (secretary@jasfl.jp)
with 1000 words. The workshop is to be held either in English or

For further information, contact Ito (secretary@jasfl.jp).
Noriko Ito (Secretary)
