Proceedings of JASFL vol. 13, vol.14

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Proceedings of JASFL vol.13, vol.14 is now avialble to download. Please find the file from the left screen. 

『機能言語学研究』第11巻 原稿募集 


原稿提出先、ならびに問い合わせ先 :学会誌編集長:飯村龍一 (editor@jasfl.jp)



Dear JASFL members

With the current situations in teaching and research affected by the pandemic of COVID-19, the JASFL board has decided to further extend the deadline for submission of papers for Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics, volume 11. 

The details are as follows.

Due date: Further extended to December 31st, 2020

Submission and for further information, contact Ryuichi Iimura (Chief Editor editor@jasfl.jp)

Please refer to the Notes for Contribution Concerning the Submission Guideline (www.jasfl.jp).

Publication date: Spring in 2021

We look forward to your contributions.

Sincerely yours,
Ryuichi Iimura, Chief Editor





秋期大会URL: https://jasfl.jp/meeting2020/


Dear JASFL members,

I hope this mail finds you well and safe.
The Autumn Conference is just around the corner. The conference this year is online, but we have four presenters. 
Their presentations are open to the members from 9:00, October 17th to 17:00, October 23rd. 
The URL is as follows. 

URL: https://jasfl.jp/meeting2020/

ID and PW have been already announced through the JASFL emailing group.

I hope many of you take time to make access to the presentations.

Best Regards,

Hidefumi Miyake
JASFL Secretary


『機能言語学研究』第11巻原稿募集 期間延長



『機能言語学研究』第11巻 原稿募集 

原稿締め切り日 :2020年11月15日(日)

原稿提出先、ならびに問い合わせ先 :学会誌編集長:飯村龍一 (editor@jasfl.jp)
「投稿規定等は「論文の作成と投稿のための規約」(www.jasfl.jp httpwww.jasfl.jp)をご覧ください 

学会誌出版予定 :2021年春


Dear JASFL members

I am honored to announce Call for Papers for Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics volume 11. 

The details are as follows.

Due date: extended to November 15th 2020

Submission and for further information, contact Ryuichi Iimura (Chief Editor editor@jasfl.jp)

Please refer to the Notes for Contribution Concerning the Submission Guideline (www.jasfl.jp httpwww.jasfl.jp)

Publication date Spring in 2021

Sincerely yours,

Ryuichi Iimura, Chief Editor

The Program of JASFL 2020

会期:2019年10月17日(土)~ 10月23日(金)
Dates: October 17 (Sat) to 23 (Fri) 2020

開会の辞 日本機能言語学会会長 Virginia Peng(立命館大学)
Opening Remarks President of JASFL Virgina Peng(Ritsumeikan University)

早川 知江(名古屋芸術大学) [発表言語: 日本語]
Chie Hayakawa (Nagoya University of the Arts) [To be presented in Japanese]
‘Developing an English Expression Textbook for Picturebook Storytelling: Improving the Picturebook Storytelling Skill of Foreign Language Teachers in Elementary School’

井 凌泓(同志社大学大学院学生) 伊藤 紀子(同志社大学) [発表言語: 日本語]
Jing Linghong (Doshisha University Graduate School Student), Noriko Ito (Doshisha University) 
[To be presented in Japanese]
‘Analysis of Dialogue Breakdown with a Chat Dialogue System and User’s Communication Strategies with Special Reference to Use’s Characteristics’

Patrick Kiernan (Meiji University) [To be presented in English]
‘Interpersonal Language and Motivation in Zwift: An analysis of motivational language in an online cycle training program’

Ayumi Inako (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies) [To be presented in English]
‘Zooming into Ever-complexifying Honorific Expressions in Japanese’

Ayako Ochi (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) [To be presented in English]
‘The Lexicogrammar of Emotion in Japanese from a Systemic Function Perspective: an initial exploration’
*この発表はキャンセルされました。This presentation was cancelled.

閉会の辞 日本機能言語学会副会長 佐々木真(愛知学院大学)
Closing Remarks Vice President of JASFL Makoto Sasaki (Aichi Gakuin University)


日本機能言語学会 会員各位
日本機能言語学会会長 バージニア・パン








以 上

June 17, 2020

To Members of the Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics 

From Virginia Peng
President of Japan Association of Systemic Linguistics 

Explanation and Apology Regarding the 2020 Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics Autumn Conference

I greatly appreciate and thank you for your continuous understanding and support for the Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics. 

The emergency action for Covid-19 has been lifted, and the current status seems relatively stable. However, with a second and third wave being predicted, holding an October conference as planned could lead to another increase of infections. 

With this situation in mind, as was announced on the association homepage and in a letter to all members, a virtual conference will be held this autumn with the thought that this will protect all members.  

The autumn conference is one of the important events for our association, and it has proceeded every year after the approval at the AGM for the conference venue and the date. However, with the Covid-19 situation, holding a regular conference and being able to protect everyone’s safety has been questionable. In addition, it has also been difficult to predict if the venue at Meiji University would still be available while moving into autumn, given that a second and third wave are predicted. Thus, in a hurried board meeting that was held through emailing, the conference format announced to you was considered. Thus, reluctantly, the decision to forego the conference at Meiji University for this season was passed. In spite of this, the conference has not been cancelled, but the format changed to a virtual form as detailed in the previous announcement sent to all. 

These further details about the decision should have been explained by the executive board, which it was not, and thus, this is the purpose of this announcement. We profoundly apologize to the members for any worries or confusion this failure might have caused. 

With the difficulties in doing online classes at each university this year, an unprecedented solution had to be sought. Despite being extremely busy at work, each member, as well as every Board member participates in our association activities with understanding and cooperation. Again, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone and ask for everyone’s understanding for this new format and situation. 



日本機能言語学会では、第28回秋期大会を明治大学 駿河台キャンパスで開催する予定にしておりましたが、新型コロナウイルス感染の危険を回避するため、今年度は下記の要領でバーチャル開催とします。

1) 募集は従来通り行う。梗概を送付してもらい、審査を行う。
2) 会場での口頭発表はなしとし、受理された発表者は必要な解説を加えた資料(PPTスライドイメージ、配布用資料等)を期限日までに提出する。学会期間は、HPで梗概とその資料がダウンロードできるようにし、バーチャル開催とする。
3) 大会期間(公開期間)は10月17日(土)から10月23日(金)までの1週間とする。
4) 発表内容は翌年編集されるProceedingsに掲載する。これにより、本年度の学会は中止とせず、開催回数は昨年度より積算するものとする。
5) 万一、発表原稿が少なくても中止とはしない。
6) 会員はメーリングリストを通じて事前にパスワードを受け取り、期間中、発表にアクセスできるようにする。


• 応募資格:日本機能言語学会 (JASFL) 会員および日本語用論学会 (The Pragmatics Society of Japan、以下PSJ) 会員に限る(まだ会員でない方が投稿を希望する場合は投稿前に会員登録手続を終了しておくこと)。なお、学会発表については学会ホームページ (http://www.jasfl.jp/) の「学会発表にかかわるガイドライン」を必ず参照のこと。
• 応募締め切り:2020年8月31日(月)
• 発表言語:日本語または英語(発表に使用する言語を必ず明記すること)
• 研究発表希望者は次の要領にて梗概を事務局宛にお送りください。
  (a) 氏名
  (b) 所属
  (c) 研究発表題目(日本語の題目の場合は、英語の題目も記載すること)
  (d) 発表で使用する言語(日本語または英語)
  (e) 参考文献
  (f) 電子メールアドレス
  (g) 梗概を日本語で書く場合には必ず英語の梗概をつけること(400語以内)
(3)梗概はMS-Word, PDF,書式付テキスト(RTF)のいずれかで保存し、電子メールの添付ファイルにて事務局(secretary@jasfl.jp)まで送信すること。なお、メールの題名には必ず「JASFL 2020梗概」と記載すること。また大会終了後にプロシーディングズを発行します。

*その他、関連情報に追加・更新等がある場合にはJASFLホームページ(http://www.jasfl.jp/) にてお知らせいたします。


Dear JASFL members,

I would like to announce that JASFL 2020 will be held in the following way. Because of COVID-19, we will adopt a different style of presentations this year.

JASFL 2020 Autumn Conference
1) We will have a Call for Papers as in the past. We will have members send in proposals and then judge the papers. 
2) We will not have presentations in a conference venue, but have each speaker submit relevant information in written form (i.e. Powerpoint slides, handouts, etc.) for the designated date. Then during the conference period on the association home page, the information can be downloaded. It will be a virtual conference.
While it is possible to use video format or Zoom to have online presentations, members are not equally proficient in using these technologies, and it might prevent some members from participating. Thus, we will not use these forms. At the same time by using this proposed format, it is possible for members from overseas to also participate. 
3) The conference period will be one week: October 17th to October 23rd (the information is available during this period). 
4) The full presentations will be written out and published in the Proceedings which is edited. Thus, we will be able to go ahead with the conference and the account will be settled for appropriate year. 
4) Even if there are few proposals, we will NOT cancel the conference.
5) Through the member mailing list, the password to the conference will be sent out and during the conference period, members will be able to access the presentations. 

※Call for Presentations for the JASFL 2020
Abstracts are invited for presentations at the Annual Conference of the Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Presentations may be on any aspect of functional linguistics, including trans-disciplinary studies, and my focus on such fields as multi modal, educational, critical discourse studies, media studies, etc.

• Qualification: JASFL or The Pragmatics Society of Japan (PSJ) members are exclusively eligible to apply for the presentation. Non-JASFL/PSJ members who plan to submit papers are requested to register their memberships before submission. Those who plan to apply for the presentation are requested to consent to the guideline for JASFL presentation available at the following URL: http://www.jasfl.jp/
• Deadline for submission: August 31st (Mon), 2020
• Languages: Japanese or English (Please signify the language you will use in presentation.)
• Those who will apply a paper presentation should follow the guideline of the abstract as below:
(1) Words limit: 800 – 1000 characters (Japanese), up to 800 words (English)
(2) An abstract must include the information as follows:
 (a) Name
 (b) Affiliation
 (c) Presentation Title
 (d) Language to use in presentation
(e) References
(f) Email address
(3) An abstract must be sent as one of the following format: MS-Word, PDF or Rich Text Format (RTF). The abstract must be sent to JASFL Secretary (secretary@jasfl.jp) as an attachment file. Please clearly state “JASFL2020 ABSTRACT” in the subject line of your email message. The proceedings will be published after the conference.

※For the details and updates of the conference, as well as the latest information of call for presentations, click the JASFL website: http://jasfl.jp/

Sincerely yours,

Hidefumi Miyake
(JASFL Secretary)




『機能言語学研究』第11巻 原稿募集 

原稿締め切り日 :2020年9月15日 

原稿提出先、ならびに問い合わせ先 :学会誌編集長:飯村龍一 (editor@jasfl.jp)
「投稿規定等は「論文の作成と投稿のための規約」(www.jasfl.jp <http://www.jasfl.jp/>)をご覧ください 

学会誌出版予定 :2021年春


Dear JASFL members:

I am honored to announce Call for Papers for Japanese Journal of Systemic 
Functional Linguistics volume 11. 

The details are as follows.

Due date: September 15th 2020

Submission and for further information, contact Ryuichi Iimura (Chief Editor: editor@jasfl.jp)

Please refer to the Notes for Contribution Concerning the Submission Guideline (www.jasfl.jp <http://www.jasfl.jp/>)

Publication date: Spring in 2021

Sincerely yours,

Hidefumi Miyake
JASFL Secretary

Cancellation of the Spring Workshop 2020



4月18日(土)に同志社大学で開催を予定しておりました「2020年度 春期ワークショップ」ですが、締め切りまでに企画のご提案がありませんでした。また、新型コロナウイルス感染症の状況も鑑み、中止とさせていただきます。ご参加を検討していただいておりました会員の皆さまには大変ご不便をおかけいたします。ご了承のほど、よろしくお願い申し上げます。

JASFL事務局 三宅英文 

Dear JASFL members, 

We hope this email finds you well. It is our pity to announce that the Spring Workshop, which was scheduled to be held on April 18, 2020, has been cancelled because we received no workshop proposal as well as we would like to avoid holding any event that might spread the new coronavirus. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Best regards, 

Hidefumi Miyake JASFL Secretary