



原稿締切日 :2022年6月30日

学会誌出版予定 :2023年春

原稿提出先ならびに問い合わせ先 :学会誌編集長:飯村龍一(editor@jasfl.jp)



JASFL編集長 飯村龍一

Call for papers for the Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol.12

I am pleased to announce a “Call for Papers for the Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics Vol. 12.” 

The details are as follows.

Due date: 30th June 2022

Publication date: Spring of 2023

For submission details and further information, contact Ryuichi Iimura (Chief Editor: editor@jasfl.jp)

Please refer to the Notes for Contribution Concerning the Submission Guideline (www.jasfl.jp)

We look forward to receiving your papers.

Sincerely yours,

Ryuichi Iimura, Chief Editor