日本機能言語学会会則 Constitution of JASFL

The Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics 

第1章 名称、目的、会員 
Name, Purpose, Membership

第1条  本会の名称は、日本機能言語学会とする。 
This Association is named “Japan Association of Systemic Functional Linguistics” (JASFL). 

第2条  本会の目的は、機能言語学の発展に寄与することとする。 
The purpose of the Association is to contribute to the exchange and promotion of scholarly research in functional linguistics, in particular Systemic Functional Linguistics.

2. 第1項の目的を達成するために、次の事業を行う。 
In order to achieve the purpose mentioned above in Clause 1, JASFL will execute the following activities.

(1) 年次大会及び総会等の会を開催する。 
Holding an Annual Conference and an Annual General Meeting.

(2) 学会誌『機能言語学研究』、Proceedings of JASFLを発行する。
Issuing Japanese Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Proceedings of JASFL.

(3) その他本会の目的にかなう事業を行う。 
Pursuing the other approved activities.

第3条  本会の会員は、通常会員と学生会員からなる。 
The membership consists of regular members and student members.

2. 通常会員は、本会の趣旨に賛同し、会費等に関する所定の手続きを経て、本会に登録された個人とする。 
Anyone who supports the association objectives and pays the membership fee is registered as a regular member.     

3. 学生会員は、会費等に関する所定の手続きの際、指導教授の証明、もしくは所属機関の在学証明書を添付した書類を提出し、本会に登録された個人とする。 
Student members should present either a student ID or a recommendation letter issued by their advisory professor.

第4条  本会は日本語と英語を公用語とする。 
Japanese and English are used as the official languages. 

第5条  本会は、第2条の事業を遂行するために、次の役員を置く。 
The Board Members of the Association shall be:

(1) 会長       1名       President
(2) 副会長      1名       Vice President
(3) 常任理事     若干名      Executive Board Members
(4) 理事       8名       Regular Board Members
(5) 書記       1名       Secretary
(6) 会計       1名       Treasurer   
(7) 顧問       若干名      Councilors

2. 役員は、学会入会から原則として3年以上経過した通常会員で、大学での教育専任職(教授、准教授、助教、専任講師)にあることを必要とする。
The Board Members should be regular members who have had membership for at least 3 years in principle, and they are required to be in a full-time university educational position (professor, associate professor, assistant professor, lecturer).

3. 役員の任期は、1期を継続4年とし、再任は妨げない。ただし書記、会計は再選されることができない。 
Board Members serve for a term of four years. Board Members may be reelected,  
but the Secretary and the Treasurer cannot be reelected.

(2) 役員に欠員が生じた場合、補欠の役員は理事会で任命され任期は、前者の残任期間とする。ただし、残任期間が一年に満たない場合は、第3項の規定にかかわらず、引き続き再任することができる。 
If a position of Board Member for some reason becomes vacant, the unexpired part of the term will be filled by a member appointed by the Board; if the unexpired term is less than one year, the appointed board member may be reelected.

4. 会長と副会長は、いずれかが日本人の場合は、他方は日本人以外で英語が堪能なものとする。 
Of the position of President and Vice president, one should be Japanese, and the other is a non Japanese with a full command of English.

第6条  会長は総会で選出する。 
The President is elected at the Annual General Meeting.

2. 会長は、本会を代表し、その業務を継続し、会議の議長となる。 
The President represents the Association, and chairs meetings.

3. 会長、副会長は、書記、会計を推薦し、理事会の承認を経て業務を委嘱する。 
The President and the Vice President nominate, the Secretary and the Treasurer, and assign their tasks approved by the Board Members.

4. 会長は、理事会に対して、当該年度の事業計画案と予算計画案を提出する。 
The President presents the annual plan and the budget bill to the Board.

5. 会長は、理事会の承認を得て、本会の業務を第4条の役員以外の通常会員に委嘱することができる。 
The President can delegate duties to a certain person other than a Board Member specified in Article 4, with the approval of the Board.  

第7条  副会長は総会で選出される。 
The Vice President is elected at the Annual General Meeting.

2. 副会長は、会長を補佐し、会長が職務を果たすことができない場合、会長の代行となる。 
The Vice President assists the President, and acts for the President if the President is not able to execute his/her duty.

第8条  常任理事は理事会で選出され、総会の承認をへて会長が委嘱する。 
The Executive Board Members are nominated by the Board and voted on by members at the Annual General Meeting.

第9条  理事は総会で選出される。 
The Board Members are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

2. 理事の改選は2年ごとに行い、理事数の半数とする。 
Half the Regular Board Members are elected every two years.

3. 理事は正副会長、常任理事、書記及び会計と併せて、理事会を構成する。 
The Board consists of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Executive Board Members and the Regular Board Members.

The Board is convened twice a year by the President.

The Board requires more than half of the Board Members‘ attendance including a letter of proxy.

The duty of the Board is to discuss and decide matters, such as an annual plan, a budget bill or the election of the Board Members of the Association.  

The decision of the Board is made by a simple majority vote (more than half). The presiding officer shall cast deciding vote.

The Board of Directors can ask for somebody other than the Board Members to attend a Board Meeting in order to hear his/her opinion.

In case of emergency, the President can ask for the decision of the agenda by employing the mail or other means.

The Board can request to the President that a special Board Meeting be open with the majority agreement of the Board Members.  

Anyone who is a member of the Association can propose items to be tabled at a Board Meeting by mail.

第10条  書記の職務には、次の事項を含む。 
The duty of the Secretary is as follows:

Together with the Treasurer, organizing the Office.

Making a minutes of the meeting.

Reporting the annual report at the General Meeting.

Taking care of the membership directory.

Making necessary contact with members.

Managing other necessary tasks regarding the Association.

2. 書記は業務を円滑に行う目的で、理事会の承認を経て、書記補佐を任命することができる。 
The Secretary may appoint an Assistant Secretary with the approval of the Board of Directors.

第11条  会計の職務には、次の事項を含む。 
The duty of the Treasurer is as follows:

Assisting the Secretary and administering the membership fee.

Reporting the annual financial report at the General Meeting as stated below.

第12条  会計監査の設置 
The Auditor
Two Auditors shall be nominated from among non-board members.

The Auditors shall be assigned by President.

The Auditors serve for a term of two years.  The Auditors may be reelected

第13条  顧問の選出と委嘱 Councilors

The President can appoint Councilors with the approval of the Board Members regardless of the membership.

第14条  名誉会員 Honorary Members

The President can appoint Honorary Members for their tremendous contributions to the association for at least 15 years as a member in principle with the approval of Annual General Meeting. Honorary Members are exempted from the membership fee.

第15条  名誉会長 President Emeritus

The President can appoint a President Emeritus for his/her tremendous contributions to the association as the President for at least 10 years in principle with the approval of the Annual General Meeting. The President Emeritus is exempted from the membership fee.

第2章 総会、研究会、研究大会 
General Meeting and the Study Session at the Annual Conference

第16条  総会の招集は、通常年一回、会長が行う。 
The Annual General Meeting is convened once a year by the President.

2. 総会の構成員は、通常会員と学生会員とする。 
Members of the Annual General Meeting are regular members and student members.

3. 総会は、会員の出席によって成立するものとする。 
The Annual General Meeting is formed by members‘ attendance.

4. 総会では、理事選出案を審議決定する。 
The agenda of the Board is discussed and decided at the Annual General Meeting.

5. その他、理事会審議決定事項や事務局業務などの報告を受ける。 
The decision made by the Board, and any reports from the Office are presented at the Annual General Meeting.

第17条  研究会は、条件が整えば春に開催する。 
Study Session is to be held in spring occasionally when the appropriate conditions are fulfilled.

2. 研究会はワークショップ形式を主とするが、個人発表も含むものとする。 
The main program of the Study Session is basically a workshop, however , some individual paper presentations are welcome.

3. 研究大会は秋に開催する。 
The Annual Conference is to be held in autumn.

4. 研究大会は個人研究発表を主とし、総会に合わせて開催する。 
The Annual Conference consists of individual paper presentations, and the Annual General Meeting will be scheduled on the same day as the Conference.

5. 研究会の開催場所、日時、規模、その他は理事会の決定に従う。 
The Board decides a location, date, and a scale of the Study Session and the Annual Conference.

第3章 会計 

第18条  本会の経費は会費、補助金、寄付金などをもってこれに当てる。 
The expenses of the Association are supplied by membership fees, compensation money or donations.

2. 本会の会計年度は、4月1日に始まり、翌年3月31日で終わる。 
The fiscal year of the Association begins on the first of April and ends on the 31st of March of the following year.     

3. 本会の予算案は、理事会の議決を経て定め、総会に報告する。 
The budget bill of the Association is decided by the Board, and is reported at the Annual General Meeting.

4. 本会の決算書は、当該年度終了後約1ヶ月以内に作成し、理事会の承認を経た後、総会に報告する。 
The report on financial accounts is to be made within a month after the end of the fiscal year, and with the approval of the Board, the report on financial accounts is made at the Annual General Meeting.  

第19条  本会の年会費は会費規定の通りとする。 
The annual membership fee is specified by the Bylaw of Annual Membership Fee.

第20条  会費未納者の取り扱いは次の通りとする。 
The defaulting members are penalized as follows: 

The Journal will not be delivered to the defaulting members who have missed paying the membership fee for the past two years.

The defaulting members who missed paying the membership fee for two consecutive years by March 31st are automatically dismissed from the association.

The automatically dismissed members are required to pay the membership arrears (two year-period) when he/she requests to rejoin the association.

An absent period of membership is not permitted.

If none of the above stipulations applies, membership is executed by the decision of the Board, and is reported at the Annual General Meeting.

第4章 会則の細則と変更など 
Bylaws and Amendment

第21条  本会則を施行するために必要な細則は、理事会の承認を経て、会長が定める。 
The bylaws or detailed regulations of this constitution are decided by the President with the approval of the Board.

第22条  本会の会則変更は、理事会の議決により行い、これを総会に報告する。 
The amendment of the Constitution is executed by the decision of the Board, and is reported at the Annual General Meeting.


This Constitution is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 4th of  October 2003, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2004. 

This Constitution is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 11th of  October 2009, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2010. 

This Constitution is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 9th of  October 2010, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2011.

This Constitution is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 8th of  October 2011, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2012.

This Constitution is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 6th of  October 2018, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2019.

This Constitution is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 22nd of October 2022, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2023.

The Bylaw of Annual Membership Fee

1. 本学会費の年会費は次の通りとする。 

The annual membership fee consists of the regular membership fee and the student membership fee.

通常年会員費 7000円 
Regular Annual Membership Fee  7000 yen

学生年会員費 4000円 
Student Annual Membership Fee  4000 yen

2. 学会費の改正は理事会の議を経て、これを総会に報告する。 

The bylaw of the membership fee is executed by the decision of the Board, and is reported at the Annual General Meeting.


This bylaw is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 10th of  October 2009, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2010.

This bylaw is enforced with the approval of the Annual General Meeting held on the 9th of  October 2010, and will be applied on the first of April of the following year, i.e., 2011.