学会発表にかかわるガイドライン Guideline of Conference Presentation

学会発表にかかわるガイドライン Guideline of Conference Presentation

1. 学会発表を希望するものはJASFL会員に限る。ただし共同発表の場合、少なくとも筆頭著者が会員であればよい。 

The applicants for the conference presentation must be members of JASFL.  In the case of a co-authored presentation, at least the first author must be a member.

2. JASFL非会員が学会発表を希望する場合は事前に会員登録をしなければならない。 

If a non-JASFL member applies for the presentation, he or she must be registered as a JASFL member in advance.

3. 投稿され、採択された発表タイトルは変更できない。またその梗概については誤字、誤記、文法的誤りをのぞいて変更できない。 

The title of the presentation which has been officially accepted is not allowed to be altered.  The abstract is also not allowed to be edited and widely modified in contents with exceptions such as graphological and grammatical errors.

4. 他の学会で既に発表した内容のもの(同一の内容のもの、同一のタイトルのもの、発表言語だけを変えたもの等)、重複発表と見なされるものは受け付けない。また重複発表と見なされたものは発表後であっても採択の許諾を取り消すこととする。 

The presentation accepted in other associations is not accepted (regardless of alterations in its title or its presentation language, etc).  If the presentation has been regarded as the same content presented before in other occasions, the validity of selection is eliminated and the presentation is cancelled even after the presentation is held.

5. 発表内容に重大な変更があると認められるものは発表採択の許諾を取り消し、発表は取り消される。 

If the eminent alterations are found in the presentation title or its content the validity of selection is eliminated and the presentation is cancelled because the presentation abstract must be re-evaluated before the conference.

6. 上記の違反があると認められるものはプロシーディングズへの投稿は認めない。また次年度の発表投稿は受け付けない。 

The presenter who is judged to violate the above cannot submit his/her paper to the proceedings.  He/she cannot apply for a paper presentation in the following year. 

(2010.10.9. 総会にて承認)